I purchased a new laptop just for the fligthsim game. I have changed joystick setttings back to nornal, I have deleted the assignments, I have spent hours, IN VAIN.
#Logitech wingman joystick 3001 manual how to
Now I just have to ask how to obtain reliable controls. what a surprise: at take off it shoots down the runway and starts climbing before I touched the joystick.! total crazyĪnd when I move the joystick back and forth, I notice that the elevatior trim is changing accordingly, so I actually trim the airliner with the joystick. Of course I had to try another plane - the airbus 320.

I have tried all sensitivity adjustments, I have trimmed the cirrus to maximum elevation - there is no remedy, the plane dives like a flying duck hit by a shotgun, as soon as I release the joystick. result: the plane shoots down to earth like ww2 german “stuka”, and crashes seconds later. When I fly the cirrus plane, I have to push back all the time to get the plane flying, after climbing to 1-2000 ft (with a lot of stall warnings in between), I finally decide to release the joystick to rest my hands. I have been using joysticks in flight sims for almost 30 years, and never experienced such a total failure. I also use an EXTREME 3D PRO, I suppose mine is a “lemon”.